Bob Muse from Robinson on TV3 Newshub

The Director of Flight Safety for Robinson Helicopters, Bob Muse, addressed the attendees of the 2017 Aviation Leadership Conference with the same presentation he recently took around the country for Robinson operators, owners, and pilots.  

Both the tour around the country and his presence at the conference is due to the Transport Accident Incident Commission (TAIC) putting Robinson Helicopters on their Watchlist (their highest alert) at the end of 2016 and other negative publicity their aircraft have received in New Zealand. 

"It's having a devastating effect on the operators here in New Zealand, and we think it's wrong and that's why I'm here. We are trying to set the record straight."

The position of Robinson Helicopters is that there is nothing wrong with their aircraft but they are working on improved training and education-based measures to see the New Zealand accident rate changed. They are also wanting to bring to light the extremely adverse effect TAICs position has had on the numerous New Zealanders who have invested their livelihoods in the Robinson aircraft. This includes pilots, engineers, operators, flight schools and maintenance facilities who rely on these aircraft flying to make a living. 

With the conclusion of Muse's presentation, a heated debate erupted but as reporters were present and in hopes of not creating a sensationalized story, an attendee stepped in.

The following day Michael Morrow, of TV3 NewsHub, attended the conference to interview Bob Muse and Louisa Patterson. The full news report can be found here.


Bob Muse from Robinson on TV3 Newshub

The Director of Flight Safety for Robinson Helicopters, Bob Muse, addressed the attendees of the 2017 Aviation Leadership Conference with the same presentation he recently took around the country for Robinson operators, owners, and pilots.  

Both the tour around the country and his presence at the conference is due to the Transport Accident Incident Commission (TAIC) putting Robinson Helicopters on their Watchlist (their highest alert) at the end of 2016 and other negative publicity their aircraft have received in New Zealand. 

"It's having a devastating effect on the operators here in New Zealand, and we think it's wrong and that's why I'm here. We are trying to set the record straight."

The position of Robinson Helicopters is that there is nothing wrong with their aircraft but they are working on improved training and education-based measures to see the New Zealand accident rate changed. They are also wanting to bring to light the extremely adverse effect TAICs position has had on the numerous New Zealanders who have invested their livelihoods in the Robinson aircraft. This includes pilots, engineers, operators, flight schools and maintenance facilities who rely on these aircraft flying to make a living. 

With the conclusion of Muse's presentation, a heated debate erupted but as reporters were present and in hopes of not creating a sensationalized story, an attendee stepped in.

The following day Michael Morrow, of TV3 NewsHub, attended the conference to interview Bob Muse and Louisa Patterson. The full news report can be found here.